Sept. 1, 2023
The internet and digital media have spawned tremendous opportunities for those creating original work. There have always been outlets for creators. What is different now is not just the type of outlets at your disposal, but consumer demand for content of every kind.
Read MoreJuly 31, 2023
Copyright law gives copyright holders certain exclusive rights over their works and creations. When you are a copyright holder, others cannot use your works unless they have your permission, or the use qualifies as “fair use” under the law.
Read MoreJune 20, 2023
If you’re an inventor or innovator in your field, you know how important it is to protect your intellectual property so you can continue doing the work you love and be able to rightfully profit off of what you’ve created. However, filing for a patent isn’t always an easy process and many people find it helpful to work with a patent attorney.
Read MoreMay 18, 2023
The Constitution of the United States specifically protects intellectual property with the clause: "To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
Read MoreApril 14, 2023
If you’re an expert or innovator in your field and you come up with a new idea or tool, you’ll naturally want to protect this and find a way to benefit from your creation.
Read MoreMarch 9, 2023
The short answer is: It depends. There are certain factors that should be taken into consideration when determining whether or not you can use the same trademark for a different product without getting into legal trouble.
Read MoreFeb. 13, 2023
A trademark is an important legal tool for businesses and individuals who want to protect their brand. It helps distinguish a business’s goods or services from those of other companies.
Read MoreJan. 17, 2023
It turns out that Thomas Jefferson not only penned the Declaration of Independence and later became the third U.S. President, but he was also instrumental in arguing for trademark protections. When he was Secretary of State in 1791, a sailcloth manufacturer petitioned him for a federal trademark law. Jefferson wrote a report arguing for such a law, but Congress ignored him and the cause.
Read MoreDec. 29, 2022
In the United States, unlike other countries, a trademark receives common law protection once someone starts using it in connection with providing goods or services. A trademark is any word, symbol, design, or combination of these elements that distinguish one's goods or services.
Read MoreNov. 16, 2022
If you or your company has one or more patents, it’s important to undergo periodic patent portfolio reviews or even as an ongoing commitment. The review will not only help ensure your current patent(s) are being properly safeguarded, but it can reveal new patents you can develop from your current ones and open up new marketing and licensing ideas.
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